Monday, February 8, 2010


Picture of my plate.

Old Plate

This is a plate that I made last semester using hard ground line and aquatint. I decided to make a new print of this yesterday using the relief roll method.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

new prints

Some new prints in some new colors, they are both two plate prints. I have been trying out different wiping styles to better bring out detail.

I haven't mastered aligning the plates perfectly, so the first one is a little off.


This is a picture I made with charcoal and colored pencil. I used the computer motherboard for inspiration on the design. This was also influenced by Alex Grey, and his depictions of the nervous system underneath the body.

Monday, February 1, 2010

State II

This is the second state of my print. I reused the motherboard on softground to create the texture.


this is the motherboard i pressed into my prints from last semester, I am also using this board for my new print.

State 1

This is state 1 for my first copper etching

influential artists

These are a few artists that I have been gaining inspiration from:

Kris D

Jason Alberto Garcia


David Hale